A graduate research assistant and a Ph.D. student in the Natural Language Processing (NLP) lab at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), USA. I work mainly on NLP-related projects, specially Relation Extraction (RE), Named Entity Recognition (NER). After earning my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science in 2015, I explored my passion for the software industry. Worked as both a software engineer and a quality assurance engineer. My expertise mainly includes NLP, Artificial Intelligence/Deep Learning, and Machine Learning. Proficient in Python, Java, and C/C++. A self-motivated, hard worker seeking an opportunity to work in a challenging research environment that proves my skills and utilizes my knowledge & intelligence.
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PhD in Computer Science, 2017 - Present
Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
BSc Computer Science (Special), 2011 - 2015
University of Peradeniya, SL
Explores using BERT contextualized embeddings into a simple feed-forward neural network.
Developing KNN algorithm on the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) using CUDA.
Determines the relation between two entities using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).
Feature-vector based, supervised machine learning approach to extract explicit semantic relations and classify them
Determines the relation between two entities utilizing the co-location information between them.
Extracts interaction between drugs through a series of steps automatically using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques.
Web service development for the company CCCOM (Information Portal for National Construction Industry)